Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Exam studying resources

Hello my studious students!

Here are a few helpful website links for you last minute crammers.  Please note: some of these textbooks use slightly different versions of equations for some of the models we've discussed - don't let it confuse you.

Begon et al. ("BTH" in your packet) - link to a PDF of this ecology textbook's glossary.

Townsend et al. Essentials of Ecology textbook website (similar to BTH book) - interactive multiple choice quizzes and an electronic glossary.

Smith & Smith ("SS" in your packet) Ecology textbook
website - some multiple choice questions for quizzing yourself (not the most interactive website of the bunch).

When I was an undergraduate student at another university my ecology textbook was "The Economy of Nature" by R.F. Ricklefs
, which has a good interactive website including electronic "flash cards" and quizzes.  

Most importantly, don't forget to get a good night's sleep and be sure to eat breakfast in the morning!

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