Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April is water awareness month!

On World Water Day in March I posted some water conservation facts and a link to calculating your "Water Footprint calculator". After reviewing that post, fill out this electronic form.

Since we started learning about watersheds this week, visit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website "Surf Your Watershed" to learn more about your local watershed.  

The documentary Blue Gold: Water Wars was shown on the College Avenue Campus in April 2011 as part of an initiative to raise awareness about water usage.

EPA has a GoogleEarth file (.kmz) you may download for free.  This data layer has a lot of information, including: watershed boundaries, Federally listed "impaired waters" (degraded or polluted sites), stream flow gauges and sampling locations, and much more!
EPA layer in GoogleEarth (New Brunswick, NJ)

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