Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Need extra help with studying and exam prep?

Need help reviewing?

  • Attend Thursday's review session - bring questions to ask the professors.   
  • Peruse some of the links listed in my website footer, such as "Evolution 101", the two textbook sites with interactive content (Essentials of Ecology; Economy of Nature), and the optional textbook's  glossary.
  • Visit any of the Principles of Ecology TA office hours for extra help.  TA office hours schedule is posted on the course Sakai calendar, and as a Google calendar at the top of this blog ("Laura's Ecology Calendar").
  • Try reviewing the "Studying & exam taking tips" page on my blog for advice on how to approach test taking.
  • Rutgers Academic Coaching - My previous students have found these one-on-one study sessions very helpful when preparing for an exam!  You can usually schedule an appointment with a AC within 24-48 hours of contacting the office.
I have set up a study group for Principles of Ecology students on Quizlet.   If you join the group, you can add flash card terms and definitions to the Midterm study sets that I started for you all.  The group has other neat games to help you learn the vocabulary, such as the one below, but it is the responsibilities of you, the student, to build the study resource. (This is part of our expectations agreement.)

A word of Quizlet warning: If you do add terms to the set you are presented with the option of having the website "auto-define" for you - please make sure the definition you choose matches the one in your packet!  Same thing goes for those of you using them to study, check the definitions against your glossary the first time through.  While you all are studying this weekend, I will be grading your reports.  Therefore, I need you all to "self-police" on Quizlet, but feel free to email me if a major problem arises.

Know your learning style to study efficiently.
Try taking this Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire by NC State to learn more about how you best learn so that you may maximize your studying time and methods to suit your needs.   

The image, right, is of my learning style quiz results.  As highlighted by the yellow box, I am a very visual learner, hence I show a lot of figures in recitation.

Enjoy tutoring friends?
Did you do well in Physics or Orgo and enjoy peer teaching/tutoring?  Check out the Learning Assistant Program, which pays eligible undergraduates to tutor.

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